Thursday, 31 December 2015

Happy New Year!

30.7! I'm looking forward to that, 25 mm/h + is classed as torrential. Let's see what happens....
Actual weather
New year but same precision of weather forecasting.  I read my book on the outside under the porch with the rain coming down and a cat under my chair, later I took Jake for a jog and a lady going for walk admired him and asked how old he was (I have no idea how old he is), we got rained on a bit but that was quite nice. Back at the house I did some baking and enjoyed a very cheesy 80's film and some freshly baked banana bread. It's almost tradition to watch 'The World's Fastest Indian' around this time of the year, so I may put that on later.
Father time welcomes in the New Year. Little Nemo in Slumberland
Here's a nice extract from Little Nemo 1906 whereby Father Time visits Nemo at midnight and invites him to come along but he's in a hurry because he has to get round the whole world to bring in the new year, but first they stopped off at Father Time's home to see how the years are made. If Nemo touched a year he became the age he would be in that year, Father Time had to go to work for a bit and left Nemo at his house, Nemo touched the year 1999 and became very old and cried out for Father Time to save him, his cry was weak due to his old age but his mother heard him and he woke up from Slumberland!
And that is how the new year is made.

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